
Starting to Compare

Associate Professor Mostafa Jelodar, Dr Azam Zavvari and researcher Jaleh Sadeghi began the journey of understanding how a comparator mechanism might function. They took simple pipeline data and an imagined sector to create a first pass comparison.


And they succeeded.


This report describes their approach, including understanding and aligning data, simple relational modelling, the use of existing software and advancing to more sophisticated modelling techniques. 


It is a successful proof of concept for the comparator mechanism. Congratulations Team.


Comparator Mechanism Team Report Cover
Comparator Mechanism Team Report

Access to reliable prediction and clear understanding of the demand and supply is essential for major clients, government agencies, contractors and other stakeholders involved in construction activities (Wong et al., 2010). However, the construction industry traditionally has faced many uncertainties and issues at different levels of planning including supply and demand assessment. This is partly due to the temporary, project based and complex nature of construction activities. Furthermore, the pipeline of work follows cyclic boom-bust trends, and this is a global phenomenon with economic and political underpinnings (in 't Veld et al., 2014). Generally, construction pipeline assessment and estimations are very high-level, nonstandard and to some degree superficial. These assessments lack reliable and valid input data, and accordingly a robust method of analysis


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