
How little we need.

CanConstructNZ believes this is not the case.


The attached discussion document suggests that perhaps as few as a dozen facts about a project and a similar number about a company working in the sector will be enough. 


Enough to enable summation of similar work types and the organisations needed to deliver the work. Enough to enable the demand vs supply comparator mechanism to work and for advice to be generated for users of the CanConstructNZ predictive tool.


This document was drafted for the Data Challenges workshop in Wellington in August 2023 and may be superceded by subsequent refinements in project or sector models.


Your opinions matter to us, so please communicate your reactions to this document.


CanConstructNZ only needs a small amount of information Cover
CanConstructNZ only needs a small amount of information

For the CanConstructNZ tool to function it needs reliable pipeline and sector information including key identifications (data) to enable quantification and delineation of programme/project work type, and the corresponding portion(s) of the sector to enable comparisons and output results. This looks complicated when the following diagram is studied.


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