This paper describes research and findings into the shortcomings of data that could give insight to the construction sector and proposes a minimum dataset.
Tags:data qualitycontextual comparisonsdata variancesdataobjectivesstandardisationreliabilityConstruction capacity and capability
A report of a workshop that sought to co-create solutions to data challenges in the construction pipeline and sector, plus pre-event material.
Tags:integrated dataproject indicatorssector indicatorsdata accessibilitydata integritydataobjectivessourcesresourcesroles
For the pipeline of projects, we begin with a simplistic representation of an individual project, throughout its lifecycle from the realisation of need, through to on-going maintenance of the completed project, together with a set of assumptions and calculations of turnover and workforce.
Tags:information frameworkdata modelsimplifyingproject identifiersinformation and data
This discussion paper presents three models of the sector, two being from conventional perspectives of the management of projects and understanding players and relationships and the third designed to enable CanConstructNZ analysis and predictions of the balance of workload and sector capacity and capability, a quantifiable model.
Tags:Sector playersrelationshipsmodelscontractorsconsultantsauthorities
This document proposes a simple model for the sector, sufficiently detailed to allow a comparator mechanism to work to provide answers to user queries.
Tags:simplify datainformation and datainformation frameworksector identifiersorganisationssector model
Professor Sutrisna has set out a thorough brief to researchers to define expectations for data collection, as the attached diagram shows.
Tags:data collectioninformationprojectssector organisations
Associate Professor Mostafa Jelodar, Dr Azam Zavvari and researcher Jaleh Sadeghi began the journey of understanding how a comparator mechanism might function. They took simple pipeline data and an imagined sector to create a first pass comparison.
Tags:information frameworkpipeline and sector indicatorsrelational modellingagent based modellingPower BI
Information is central to understanding the work coming to the construction sector and the sector’s ability to deliver. It is probably natural to think that this involves a great deal of things to be understood about every project and every company.
Tags:information and datainformation frameworkdata modelsimplifyingpipeline and sector identifiers
Cyclone Winston impacted Fiji in 2016 and housing and infrastructure studies give strong pointers for Tongan rebuild following January 2023 eruption and tsunami.
Tags:Post disaster rebuildCyclone WinstonTonga eruptionlessonscommunity involvement
A cyclone and river flood destroyed a simple suspension bridge, with significant implications for recovery by the impacted Maori community. The destruction and rebuild illustrate the impact of shocks and stresses in adding unexpectedly to the project pipeline, and the complexity that can be present from community and sector engagement, equally vital to success.
Tags:communityconstruction engagementDisasterMāoriculture
Shocks and stresses are with us all the time, yet they continue to have a marked impact on the New Zealand construction sector. Why? Professor Wilkinson and her fellow authors remind us that shocks and stresses are a fact of life, and occur regularly. They advise that resilience in the face of these events comes from recognising their likelihood and developing a culture that acknowledges change and addresses it positively.
Tags:Crisespandemicsupply chain disruptionsa new modela culture accepting change
CanConstructNZ is a comprehensive project aimed at achieving a delicate balance between supply and demand within New Zealand's construction sector. This initiative addresses a multitude of factors that influence this equilibrium, including responses to unforeseen disruptions. Notably, the project demonstrates a commitment to respecting the Treaty of Waitangi, which holds paramount importance in recognising the position and heritage of the NZ Māori.
It will be very tricky to understand the pipeline of projects and the capacity and capability of the sector, and to make predictions of specific demand and supply inquiries. It will be even more difficult to allow for shocks and stresses that may affect either side of the equation, yet all of these are what CanConstructNZ will do. Professor Potangaroa reminds us that it is even more difficult again. There will be many aspects of Maoridom that also need to be considered in any element of the above and especially of the interrelationship of construction and the lives of Maori.
Tags:wellbeingheritageTreaty of Waitangitraditions
It is a noble aim to build back better following disasters, but the process is fraught, and this article reminds us why and what needs to be done to make it happen..
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